the 70273 project badge

We’re finishing our fifth week of The 70273  Project – can you believe it?

I’ve heard from 45 different countries.

I have 83 blocks in my hands, and we’ve been out of town for a week, so that number will change tomorrow when we go to the post office, and there are I don’t know how many people making 31 blocks in the 31 days of March.

We have a new Facebook Group that will serve as a campfire for The 70273 Project Tribe to gather round for show and tell, chat and cheer. And what’s to become of the Facebook Page, you ask? It will remain and serve as a bulletin board for folks who just want to drive by every now and then and see what’s happening.

I’m beginning to think about our first quilt, so if you or your quilt guild are interested in piecing the blocks into a quilt top and/or quilting, please let me know.

Last Monday I was downright tickled to tell Kimberly Brock’s Tinderbox Writers about The 70273 Project. What a dynamic group they are, and they didn’t just spout off people I need to talk to, they’re pushing up their sleeves and spreading the word.

I reserved a table for The 70273 Project at the upcoming World War II Heritage Days in Peachtree City, GA. Do you know of any other events coming up this spring and summer I should attend?

I’ve also emailed to ask if the local American Legion group would let me come tell them about The 70273 Project. Know any other groups that might be interested in hearing about The 70273 Project and making some blocks?

Case Hale had an open house block-making party scheduled for yesterday, 3/19/2016. I’ll share bits and photos as soon s I hear from her.

People continue to email and message and post good questions and ideas, and even though I can’t use every single one to them, I beg you: please don’t stop. The idea was pretty complete when it landed on my shoulder, but I’m always open.

Chloe Grice from Normandie, France, wrote me this morning that she’d translated something into French, and that’s when a lightbulb (finally) went off – the blog is in English. So I’m busy researching translation plug-ins and apps and will install something tomorrow. Why I didn’t think of that before, I can’t tell you. Thank goodness for Chloe!

She also asked where to send folks who are interested in The 70273 Project, as in what would be a good starting point. I told her to send them to the blog because that’s The Hub.

Sharon Huisingh Smith asked if it would save me some time if she sewed her blocks together before sending them to me. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Sharon, but I’d rather receive the loose blocks. Why? Because I’m cataloguing each block, one at a time, and because I want to spread the blocks out among several quilts. My plan is that when the quilts are complete, Makers can go to the web site, look up their name, find their block numbers, find what quilts their blocks are in, and see where in the world those quilts are. It’s a good thing my brain considers record keeping, documentation, and organizing as a playground. And yes, I’m busy researching and figuring out how to make that happen now so I don’t have to re-enter all the data a second time. Good idea, huh?

Speaking of spreading the blocks out among several quilts, my Good Idea of the Day (I seem to get them on Sundays, have you noticed?)  is that I’d like to have a block in each and every quilt – and since we anticipate more than 700 quilts,  my hands will be getting (and staying) busy. Soon.

That’s all I can think of right now. The Engineer and I got home this afternoon after a week away spent helping my daughter with some things, and on the way back up the mountain, we received notice that Nancy is in the hospital. No firm diagnosis yet, but they’re thinking pneumonia. That’s where my heart and head are right now, so if I’ve forgotten anything, I’ll let you know in a future post.

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Have you told 3 people about The 70273 Project?

Have I told y’all “Thank you” for being a part of The 70273 Project? I have now, and just so you know: I don’t plan to stop any time soon.