Tag: 70273 recap (Page 1 of 7)

Happy Fourth Birthday to Us!

Pairs of red X’s cover a white cloth

Quilt 31

Pairs of red X’s on a white quilt

Quilt 652

Pairs of red X’s on backgrounds of white

72 Blocks made by Alida Palmisano

Four years ago today, I gave myself the best birthday present ever when I mashed the “publish” button and launched The 70273 Project. What an incredible, amazing, astonishing four years it has been.

Looking Back

Our first blocks came from Kitty Sorgen less than 2 weeks of that first post. News of the project spread like wildfire, confirming that the kind, compassionate people in the world outnumber the bad folks, something I’d long suspected. Three days later, Margaret Williams did some experimenting and tutorials. And we were off! Throughout the four years, we received blocks from quilt guilds, schools, churches, families, and communities around the world.

Our first major European exhibit – in Lacaze, France, curated by Katell Renon and Cecile Milhau – was a mere 16 months after launch.  We’ve had exhibits literally around the world –  in Munich, Celle, and Dachau Germany, Durham Cathedral (U.K.); Rochester Cathedral (U.K.); the Channel Islands, throughout America, in Canada, Scotland, at the International Quilt Festival, in Charleville, France (I can’t wait to tell you more about this one!) curated by Annie Labruyere, and many more I’ve not yet written about. But I will.

Our quilts have been on exhibit – which means our stories have been told –  literally around the world. Working together with hundreds of thousands of people, we’ve made the world smaller and become friends – often dear friends – with people on the other side of the globe from us. We’ve made the world a kinder, more compassionate place.

Now and When

I would like to be able to tell you exactly how many block and quilts we have today, but the truth of the matter is that I’m behind on the record keeping side of the project. As y’all may know, The Engineer and I were home only 4 non-consecutive weeks in 2018 while traveling for The 70273 Project (a big bouquet of gratitude to everyone who made it such an amazing, memorable year). Then in 2019 I was diagnosed with wet macular degeneration, and took what amounts to an unscheduled sabbatical as I surrendered to the depression that followed.

I am delighted to tell you that we are learning to live together, my new vision and I, and though I still have my low vision/low spirit days, I now feel ready to push up my sleeves and lead us to the finish line. And just like in the very beginning when I asked for help because I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I could not commemorate these 70,273 precious souls without assistance, I am going to need help to get us to the Finish Line.

When I put out the call on 14 February 2016, y’all responded immediately with great enthusiasm and dedication. In the coming weeks, I will once again be posting Help Needed opportunities. I thank you in advance for stepping up and stepping in to help complete our commemorations in ways that will allow these important stories to continue to be told throughout the land and to ensure that those we commemorate and those we celebrate are never forgotten or overlooked again.

One Thing You Can Do Today

Yesterday I opened registration for the online life story writing gathering I’m offering called Keepsake Writers. We’ll gather weekly beginning 09 March 2020 to capture and preserve our life stories. I hope you’ll join in and create something  you and future generations will treasure. If you can’t participate right now, perhaps you’d be willing to share the link with your friends and family in case they are interested. All proceeds go directly into The 70273 Project to help fund the things I’ll be telling you about soon.

Keep Your Ears on  the Track for What’s Coming

the blog

the monthly newsletter

our Facebook page

our Facebook Campfire (a.k.a. Group)

A Happy New Year Block Count Update

a box filled with bundles of fabric, letters, and notes

In this neck of the woods, superstition holds that how you spend New Year’s Day is how you’ll spend the year. If that holds true, I’ll be opening mail most of this year! Over the course of New Year’s Eve and New year’s Day, I spent more than 20 hours checking in blocks and quilts for The 70273 Project. Yes, I got a little behind because The Engineer and I have been home only four non-consecutive weeks this year, and checking in blocks and quilts is one of the few things I have to physically be here to do. Thank y’all for your patience, and for continuing to make and send.

I checked in and registered 4391 commemorations from these good people . . .


197, a bundle Long  Skinny quilt Pieced and Quilted  by Laura Brainard (FL, US)
227, a Middling made by Beth Schmidt (FL, US)
228, a Middling made by Beth Schmidt (FL, US)
275, a block quilt made by Kate Elliott (FL, US)
415, a bundle quilt Pieced and Quilted by Elaine Smith (TX, US)
416, a bundle quilt Pieced and Quilted by Elaine Smith (TX, US)
417, a bundle quilt Pieced and Quilted by Elaine Smith (TX, US)
481, a Middling made by Elaine Smith (TX, US)
525, a group quilt Pieced and Quilted by Laurie Dunn and her Grandchildren
Jerrod, Ariana, Gracie, Steven, Colton, William, and Jillian and her Daughter-in-Law Marlesa. (PA, US)
554, a Middling made by Pam Patterson (TN, US)
578, a bundle quilt top Pieced by Edna Jamandre (MD, US)
582, a bundle quilt Pieced and Quilted by Kathleen Kashmir
596, a bundle quilt Pieced and Quilted by Elaine Smith (TX, US)
598, a bundle quilt Pieced and Quilted by Elaine Smith (TX, US)
604, a bundle quilt Pieced and Quilted by Karen Swiech
605, a bundle quilt Pieced by Karen Swiech
606, a bundle quilt top Pieced by Edna Jamandre (MD, US)
607, a bundle quilt top Pieced by Edna jamandre (MD, US)
627, a block quilt made by Elaine Smith (TX, US)
628, a group quilt made by members of the Town and Country Quilt Guild:
Peggy DeLaVergne (Piecer); Elaine Smith (Finisher); Mary Phail Boyd;
Kathie Cherry; Carol Srajer (TX, US)
652, a group quilt made by members of the Sandstone Piecemakers (MI, US)
655, a Middling made by Sarah J. Lauzon and a friend (FL, US)
656, another Middling made by Sarah J. Lauzon (FL, US)
657, a Mini made by Shawn Taylor
658, a Middling made by Shawn Taylor
659, a Middling made by Aradria Csercsevits (FL, US)
660, a Mini made by Debra Jalbert (FL, US)
661, a Long Skinny quilt made by Beth Schmidt (FL, US)
662, a Middling made by Beth Schmidt (FL, US)
663, a Middling made by Pam Patterson (TN, US)
664, a Middling made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
665, a Middling made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
666, a Middling made by Jennifer Lario- Moya (AUSTRALIA)
667, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
668, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
669, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
670, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
671, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
672, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
673, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
674, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
675, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
676, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
677, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
678, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
679, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
680, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
681, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
682, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
683, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
684, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
685, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
686, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
687, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
688, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
689, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
690, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
691, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
692, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
693, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
694, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)


Amy Chambers (GA, US)
Angie Cullett (LA, US)
Ann Burnett (MN, US)
Betsey Chambers (CO, US)
Breanna Crassno (MO, US)
Deb Cashatt (CA, US)
Drew Chambers (US)
Edna Jamandre (MD, US)
Elaine Pfeiffer (MO, US)
Glenda Scott (MO, US)
Janet Olsen (UT, US)
Jeanne Hewell-Chambers (NC and GA, US)
Joy Avery (FL, US)
Joyce Graff (MA, US)
Joyce Mullis (NC, US)
Katia Johnstone (ME, US)
Laurie Dunn (PA, US)
Linda Williard (MO, US)
Mary Belcourt (ND, US)
Muriel Richardson (ND, US)
Pam Patterson (TN, US)
Penny B. Holland (NC, US)
Rachel Williams (LA, US)
Rosalyn R. Buck (ND, US)
Rosemary Sevigny (ND, US)
Shirley R. Boyd (MO, US)
Susanne R. Silbernagel (ND, US)
Shelley Folkedahl (ND, US)
Silvia Conte (ITALY)
the Walsh Quilters (ND, US)
Wendy Forsyth (MO, US)

Added together, our current block count is . . . are you sitting down . . .


A few notes:
~ The graph we used since the beginning of the project went kaput, so I’ve installed a new one. To view it, scroll down to the bottom of the page. It’s on the right side.
~ A bundle quilt is one made from an assortment of blocks from around the world. Blocks arrive, are checked in, then bundled with other blocks from around the world, and are sent to volunteers who Piece and/or Quilt them. For a long time, I did all this by myself, but now, I’m tickled and grateful to tell you that thanks to a group of Helper Angels, I now receive, register, then pass along to the Helper Angels. Be watching for interviews with them soon. And if you are a Helper Angel, thank you. If you live in the vicinity of Fayette County, Georgia and would be willing to pitch in every now and then, let me know.
~ The monthly 70273 Project XXtra comes out around the 14th of every month, so subscribe if you haven’t already cause there’s precious little duplication of information.
~ I am behind in my Thank You notes, so until you get yours, please know that I am incredibly grateful to be on this beautiful rock with each of you.

Jersey, Channel Island Quilts

Kim Monins and Gisele Therezien have been Ambassadors for The 70273 Project from the get-go (note the quilt numbers), ultimately convincing people in every Parish and most (if not all) of the reporters they contacted to make blocks. They’ve been involved in the project so long, in fact, that Kim was scanning and labeling each individual block just like I do here. That simply was not sustainable, yet I had already counted some of those individual blocks, so I’ve spent many spare minutes sifting through the good information Kim compiled along with my records to make sure I didn’t duplicate blocks. Now it is done, so allow me to introduce you to these beautiful Jersey, Channel Island quilts. Unless otherwise noted, all photos were made by Kim Monins. Don’t the quilts look right at home in this breath-taking landscape?

Quilt #35

Made by Members of the Jersey Modern Quilt Guild
Gisele Therein
Kim Monins
Liz Webb
Anne Hill
Sue Harris
Rosalie Hollis
Lorrain Brogan
Lucy Baker
Becky Porter
Val Porter
Ella Andrews
Jackie Tardivel
Ella Andrews
Angela Rybarczuk
Jenny Marshall
Karen Scott for beautiful people whose individualism never had the chance to shine
Elizabeth Webb for Capt. David Seath who died during the London Marathon 2016


Quilt #87

Quilt # 87 made by Gisele Therezien using blocks
made by Grouville parishioners in Jersey, UK
Janet Harrison
Julie Le Bailly
Christopher Clark
Margaret LeQuesne
Patricia Gurgan for The Doublet Bros.
Mandy Corbett
Dorothy Perriot
Cara Leanne Thomson
Anthea Pomroy
Karen Clark
Mobile Waring
Maureen Harrison
Miriam Higginson
Sylvia Milne
John Edward LeMaistre for Edna and Alan LeMaistre
Charlie McArdle for all those whose fate was sealed with 2 crosses
Ian Webb for Dianne Neal, great Aunt who worked at Bletchlley Park during WW II


Quilt #88

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
St. Brelade’s  parishioners in Jersey, UK
Joanne Anderson
Margaret Bellee
Cara Bryant
Veronica Bryant
Betty Bullock for Elizabeth Nicholson
Joan Couvain
Maureen Cobon
Sheila de Caux
Betty Ellis
David Ellis
Laura Ferdinando
Sarah Fitz
Julie Long
Charlotte Monins
Daniel Monins
Steve Monins
Mrs. Rita Pinel
Sarah Raper
Fiona Smith
Sheila Sykes
Mrs. Pauline D. Tagg
Eric Vezie
Marlee Vezie
Susan Ann Le Gresley for Almire Norman
Revd Jo Milliner for all the wonderful contributions which those with Downs make to our world
Andy Milliner for all my mentally handicapped pupils I taught in my 30 years in Special Education
Helen Miles for Duncan Brian Sykes (brother born with Down Syndrome) and Autism Jersey


Quilt #89

Quilt made by Gisele Therezien using blocks made by
St. Clement’s parishioners in Jersey, UK
Sarah Weymouth
Natalie Payne
Cassie Leeuwenburg
Muriel Freeman
Irene Beaumont
Jean Anderson
Ann Laframboise
Christine Bunting

Quilt #90

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
St. Lawrence parishioners in Jersey, UK
Lynn Bouchard
Mrs. Gladys Dunell
Mrs. Brenda Emmanuel
Jackie Le Brun
Lynne Lusby
Deidre Mezbourian
Mary Mimmack
Mary Moody
Holly-Hope Perrier
Ann Pipon
Sienna Springett
Simone Springett
Theo Springett
Norma Thomas
Margaret Ward


Quilt #91

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
St. John’s  parishioners in Jersey, UK
Sandra Coutanche
Vivienne Day
Thelma Fry
Carole Gowlett
Suzanne La Marquand
Dary Monins
Pat Monins
Mrs. Jane Osborne
Emily Renouf
Sophie Renouf
Sue Renouf
Stuart Rowe
Denise (Dee) Shrives
Jill Keogh


Quilt #92

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
Gladys Dunell for the Parish of St. Lawrence in Jersey, UK


Quilt #93

Quilt made by Gisele Therein using blocks made by
St. Martin’s parishioners in Jersey, UK
Mrs. Barbara Le Troquer
Jo Ann Perchard
Annie M. Richardson
Jane Hardy
Helen Toole
Diana Toole
Carole L Broco
Stephen Gooch
Mr. Michel Le Troquer
Anastasia Stone
Paddy Haversham-Quaid
Alice Ferguson
Susan Cuming for Sheila and Stanislaw Elimek
Lizzie Keogh
Miriam Gotrel-Hill
Megan Gaudin
Marlene Henley
Joan Richard


Quilt #94

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
St. Mary’s  parishioners in Jersey, UK
Jennifer Bratch
Anne Harris
Sue Heppolette
Sharon Knight


Quilt #95

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
St. Ouen Parishioners:
Loretta Cullinaine
Joyce Du Feu
Amy Milner
Emilia Milner
Carolyn Romeril
Mrs. Pauline Syvret
Alex Vautier
Mrs. Brenda Ann Pirozzolo for The Hurel Boys
Theresa Crehan-Ferey for Gary Marck Ferey (husband)


Quilt #96

Made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
St. Peter’s parishioners in Jersey, UK
Joan Adamson
Margaret Finch
Connor Le Cuirot
Val Le Cuirot for April Gren and Ivy Evans
Yolanda Logan
Pippin Newton
Freya Pallant
Brenda Smith
Jean M. Vibert


Quilt #97

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
St. Saviour’s parishioners in Jersey, UK
Gisele Therein
Kim Monins
Liz Webb
Anne Hill
Sue Harris
Rosalie Hollis
Lorraine Whiting
Jane Mallet
Ella Andrews
Fatima Dos Reis
Linda Denny
Caroline Glamey
Ella Andrews
Lynsey Hairon
Julie Ferrey
Angela Journeaux
Astrid Corbel & Laura Goldstein
Tina Ware
Kathleen McGill
Linda Denny
Kerry Moisan
Tina Anne Ware
Lynsay Hairon
Linda Denneny
Caroline Blamey
Jane Mallet
Barbara Coram
Pat Derrien
Mary Milon
Janet Averty
Jean Renouf
Beverly Ferey
Margery Gallichan
Sue Quérée
Dawn Heaney for the none survivors
Sadie Le Sueur Rennard for Caroline Monamy


Quilt #98

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
Trinity parishioners in Jersey, UK
Jennifer Bell
Philippa Bertram
Eliana Cowslip
Andrea Elcock
Poppy-Anne Elcock
Tammy Fage
Jayne Grochy
Alison Keogh
Karen Minty
Mrs. Margaret Moisan
Sarah Nugent
Jane Powell
Daphne Tingley
Mrs. J. R. Leighton for James Ross and Philip Leighton, our sons
Carol-Anne Philpott for all the people who suffered under the Nazis
Mrs. K. Powell for Victor Amos Letchford who died in France during World War I


Quilt #99

Quilt and blocks made by Kim Monins
for the Parish Of St. Brelade in Jersey, UK


Quilt #133

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by Jackie le Brun
for the Parish of St. Lawrence in Jersey, UK


Quilt #167

Quilt made by Gisele Therezien using blocks made by
Theresa Crehan-Ferey in memory of her husband
whose racing number was 67.
Photo by Gisele Therezien


Quilt #255

Quilt made by Gisele Therein, using blocks made by Barbara Le Troquer
for the Parish of St. Martin in Jersey, UK


Quilt #260

a Middling made by Sue Harris for the Parish of St. Brelade in Jersey, UK
(I met Sue when I was there to see the exhibit in January 2018.)


Quilt #261

a Middling made by Gisele Therezien
Photo by Gisele Therezien


Quilt # 273

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by Margaret Bellee,
for the Parish of St. Brelade in Jersey, UK


Quilt #335

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by
St. Helier parishioners in Jersey, UK


Quilt #336

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by Lynn Bouchard,
for the Parish of St. Lawrence in Jersey, UK


Quilt #367

Quilt made by Kim Monins using blocks made by Kerry-Jane Warner
for the Parish of St. Helier in Jersey, UK

Information on two Jersey quilts got lost somewhere between
this gorgeous spot of earth and me.
Will post I when the information on Quilt #337 and #394 is found.

And you want to know something fun and thoughtful? When Tari Vickery, The Engineer, and I were there in January 2018 to see the exhibit of all of these quilts at the Jersey Heritage Center, Kim drove us around to see most, if not all, of her photo locations. (Tari, Andy, and I plan to go back and visit One Day. It’s gorgeous.)

The addition of these quilts brings our new Block Count to . . . 41,084!

A huge thank you to Kim and her husband Steve; Gisele and her son Ed; and all the people who commemorated. I can’t wait to visit again.




Just What You’ve Been Waiting For

a bag filled with mail - some boxes some large envelopes

In the past several weeks, I’ve received blocks from these good people:


  • Margaret Allen (US)
  • Edna Jamandre (US)
  • Susan Blexrud (US) (We’re gonna’ meet live and in person sometime this year.)
  • Iris Harris (US – and from my hometown Fayetteville, GA!)
  • Patricia Costantini (US) dedicated to the 70,273 innocent souls
  • Pepe Bowman (US)
  • Anonymous
  • Irmgard Römer (Germany)
  • Sandra Engstrand (US)
  • Bill Croft (US)
  • Stephanie DeAbreu (US)
  • Lis Binns (US)
  • Theresa Vaarga (US)
  • Shannon Timberlakd (US) dedicated to Emma Leah Timberlake
  • Chrissy Cozzi (US) dedicated to her daddy: Wm. L. Ellis, Jr., Nazi POW
  • Kathy Westmoreland (US) dedicated to her daddy: Wm. L. Ellis, Jr., a Nazi POW
  • Nancy O’Donnell Glosup (US) dedicated to Maeve Watson T1D
  • Sieg Leland (US)
  • Roland Bostick (US)
  • Sherry Searcy (US)
  • Cissa Kamakura (US)
  • Susan Melton (US)
  • Joan E. Beier (US)
  • Stephanie Bowen (US) dedicated to Nancy Chambers and Jeanne Hewell-Chambers (Thank you.)
  • Katharine Wall (US)
  • Nancy Erisman (US) dedicated to Laila and many, many, many others
  • Sharleen Jespersen

These students in the KMS Gifted and Talented Program in Kennett, MO also sent blocks:

  • Ethan Davis
  • Sophie Boone
  • Saraity Morris
  • Destiny Lloyd
  • Delaying Dalton
  • Jordan Crawford
  • Craig Noblin
  • Macy Bazzell
  • Camden Moore
  • Cody Holden
  • Taylor Isenhour
  • Alec Holden
  • Lani Heeb
  • Camille Thomas
  • Conner Thomas
  • David VanDyke
  • and their teacher, Cindy Thomas


  • #549, a Long Skinny made by Grace Ann Cannon (US) dedicated to Aubrey Hendley
  • #552, a Middling made by Maria Conway (Argentina)
  • #550, a Mini made by Jan Snell (CAN) dedicated to Spruce, Melissa, & former students
  • #553 Bev Haring, a Long Skinny

Our last block count update found us with 33,491 commemorations in hand. When we add these in, we have commemorated 36,647 people.

Now I’ve been sifting, sorting, wading, and winding my way through the blocks and quilts from Durham and Channel Islands to make sure I don’t duplicate or leave out anything. You see, those two  have been making blocks and quilts since the double digit quilt numbers, and back then . . . well, I’ll explain it all later. Just come back around soon because my plan is to  add the blocks from Durham, Channel Islands, and Rochester over the next week.

Happy Second Birthday To The 70273 Project!

bags and boxes full of mail to be opened

photo description: boxes and bags filled with mail to be opened

Happy birthday to us . . .

Two years ago today, I launched The 70273 Project, ten days after the big, fat, crazy idea came to call and before I had time to think myself out of it. It has changed my life in the most astonishingly wonderful ways:
I have friends – good friends – all over the world.
I am seeing part of the world I never dreamed I’d walk on and breathe in.
I never have to look for something to do.
I could go on, but y’all want to know how many people we have commemorated, so on we go. Here’s what I’ve checked in since last time:

a bag filled with large envelopes of mail

photo description: a bag filled with large envelopes of mail

Happy birthday to us . . . 

Pat Loveland (US)
Erin Bross (US)
Becca Brackett (US)
Paula Golden (US)
Judy Munford (England)
Suzanne Elswick (US)
Diane Dresdner (US) – She’s made 700 blocks to date and is creating a Middling next!
Maria Conway (Argentina)
Sara Foster (US)
Linda Crews Carter (US)
Sarah Arrington (England)
Amanda Jane Ogden (Durham, U.K.)
Sonja Koons (US)
Lea Ann Ferring (US)
Alamo Heritage Quilt Guild (US)
Members of the Sewing Servants Ministry in Escondido, CA (US)*

a box filled with large envelopes

photo description: a box filled with envelopes

Happy birthday 70273 Project,

Quilt 306, Pieced and Quilted by Diane Lewis
Quilt 307, Pieced and Quilted by Diane Lewis
Quilt 529 (a top) made by Australian Stitchers**
Quilt 530 (a Long, Skinny) made by Lois Sullivan (US)

*Members of the Sewing Servants Ministry:
Ann Drake
Mary Barker
Elias Espinoza
Lupe Cox
Rosa Maria Mendoza
Beatrice Eaton
Linda DeSaverio
Marlene English
Mahbanoo Iradipanah
Beritna Cazarez
R. K. (beautiful handwriting, but I just can’t make out the name)

** Australian Quilters
Musse Harper
Kerry Rochford
Alicia White
Alison McFadden
Lynn King
Rose Cooney
Rebecca Nguyen
Phoebe Adams
Marcia Cameron
Bonnie Niu
Janet Hay
Joanna Stanek
Victoria Cameron
Charis Harper
Cubekal Jasper
Christine Rose B Esmenda

Quilt 409, Pieced by Sandy Panagos
Quilt 410, Pieced by Sandy Pangs
Quilt 392, Pieced by Edna Jamandre
Quilt 393, Pieced by Edna Jamandre

This means I have 4 quilt tops ready to be quilted! If you’re interested, leave a comment, email me, or find me on Facebook or Instagram and let me know.

an envelope, a postcard, a drawstring bag, and a ceramic heart

photo description: an envelope, a postcard, a drawstring bag, and a handmade ceramic heart

a magazine and quilt labels from The International Festival of Quilts

photo description: a magazine and quilt labels from the International Festival of Quilts

Happy birthday, to us.

~ Pam Arena is at it again – doing something creative and fun. This time she’s started making hearts of clay and leaving them for strangers to find, and she sent me one to leave as a surprise for some attentive passerby.
~ Labels for all the quilts that were in the Special Exhibit at the International Quilt Festival. Last year (or was it the year before?) the Truckee Meadows Quilt Guild in Nevada asked if they could attach one of their quilt show labels on the back of the quilt that hung as part of their show. I thought it was such a good idea, I vowed to make a label for every quilt show every quilt has or will be in. Thank you,  Good People at Quilts, Inc.. You’ve saved me a lot of time!

As of today, we have commemorated 33,491 people, y’all.

And this doesn’t include those commemorated at Durham Cathedral, Rochester Cathedral, or the Jersey Museum. Way back when, I counted some of the blocks and quilts from Durham and Jersey, then I realized it’s easier to count once the quilt are finished and on exhibit, so I have to go back through my records to figure out which ones were counted so I don’t count them twice. I’ll do that next week, so look forward to a new update soon.

Any day now, I’m going to have all the photos from Durham Cathedral, Rochester Cathedral, and Jersey Museum titled and organized so I can share them in blog posts. And I’ll be sharing info about some digital adventures you won’t want to miss, so subscribe to the blog and to The 70273 Project newsletter,.

Thank you for pouring your kind, compassionate, respectful hearts into this project and into the world. I can feel the difference it makes, can you? Happy birthday to us.


Block Count Update: How We Begin the New Year

pairs of red X's sewn to bases of white fabric

Blocks made by Jeff Rich, fellow member of the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild

Between Christmas and New Year’s Day, I checked in blocks from these good folks:

Rachel Williams (US)
Barbara Jensen (US)
Alida Palmisano (US)
Jeff  Rich (US)
Brenda Andrews (US)
Robin Olsen (US)
Elizabeth (Liz)  Sutcliffe (US)
Cindy Ridgedell (US)
Patsi Brletich (US)
Gayle Visher (US)

and quilts from:
Quilt 335 from the Channel Islands (U.K.)  (there will be many more. I’m compiling them now for a series of blog posts.)
Quilt 206 made by Wendy Tuma and others
Quilt 482, made by Patricia Gaska (US)
Quilt 483 made by Susan Bianchi (US)

When we kicked off 2017, we had commemorated 6845 people. Do you want to guess how many commemorations we have as of January 1, 2018? If you said 32,922, give yourself a gold star ’cause you’re exactly right! In case you think your eyes are playing tricks (and because I like saying it), as of January 1, 2018, we have:

32,922 commemorations

or, according to The Engineer, 46.8% of the 70,273 people we will commemorate 

Thank you to all of you who continue to commemorate by making blocks, block quilts, Middlings, and Minis, and to all of you who turn bundles of blocks and quilt tops into finished quilts (if you want a bundle or top, let me know). Please don’t stop stitching and sharing news of The 70273 Project, inviting others to pick up a needle and thread, too. And please keep sending me your stories. They fuel me. They really do.

There are some exciting things right around the bend, so be sure you either subscribe to the blog or check back often. And remember the occasional newsletters called The 70273 Project XXtra.

I hope each one of you know how amazing you are.

Wishing all of you The Best Year Ever in 2018.

It’s Time for Another Block Update

Photo Description: A big log sits stalled at the top of the waterfall, covered with 15″ or so of now.

Thanks to the 13-15 inches of snow that covers the ground here, for the first time in I don’t know how long, i have checked in all the blocks in my possession. That will, of course, change when we can get out and go back to the post office in 3-4 more days, but for now, today I checked in blocks from these lovely people:

Ann Hewitt (UK)
Margaret Jackson (UK)
Mindy Masters (TX, US)
Pamela Jeffries (, SC, US)
Julie Young (TX, US)
Trist Seiner (TX, US)
Diana Lewis (AR, US)
Carol Biller (OH, US)
Jan Burke (PA, US)
Sandee Reynebeau (CO, US)
Connie Harrison (TX, US)
Lori Brewer (OH, US)
Laurie Wilcox (CA, US)
Barbara Kielaszek (TX, US)
Lisa Taglia (MN, US)
Judy Brinker (MO, US)
Linda Nichols (NC, US)
Deborah Sheridan (TX, US)
Heather Harbour-Bedsaul (NC, US)
Rose Marie Yates (TX, US)
Jean Mehaffey (FL, US)
Karen Adams (CA, US)
Debbie Gard (CA, US)
Kathy McCarthy (CA, US)
Cathy Hall (CA, US)
Judy Clifford (CA, US)
Mary Rapaz (CA, US)
Beth Davidson (Ca, US)
Cecily Zerega (CT, US)
Libby Williamson (CA, US)
Karen Fahel (TX, US)
Debbie Metti (OH, US)
Sharon K. Morton (OH, US)
Rebekah Delafield (TX, US)
Elaine Smith (TX, US)
Elizabeth Ferry Perkins (TX, US)
Caroline Rudisill (TX, US)
David Rudisill and Sean Rudisill (TX, US)
Wendy Tuma (MN, US)
Connie Albin (MN, US)
Emma Brinker (MN, US)
Ruth Brinker (MN, US)
Barbara J. Drentlaw (MN, US)
Amanda Roberts (MN, US)
Lydia Tilstra (Mn, US)

Quilt tops 252 and 254, Pieced by Edna Jamandre (Anybody ready to quilt?)

Quilt 206, Pieced and Finished by Wendy Tuma; Quilted by Connie Albin of Turnberry Lane Quilting
Quilt 214, a block quilt Pieced by Patti Lapinsky, Quilted by Beth Schmidt, Finished by Marge Cree
Quilt 279, a Middling made by Roberta A. Pabst (CA, US)
Quilt 280, a Long Skinny made by Roberta A. Pabst (CA, US)
Quilt 282, a Middling made by Beth Schmidt
Quilt 369, a Middling made by Members of the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild (FL, US)
Quilt 370, a Middling made by Sarah Lauzon

Block count at the beginning of this post: 29,728
Block count at the end of this post: 32,239

# of blocks checked in today? 2500
How long did it take me? 7 hours
Am I complaining? Not one little bit.

To those who are mentioned in this post, thank you.
To those who continue to commemorate, thank you.
To those who will raise your hand and offer to piece and quilt, thank you.
To those who make financial donations, thank you.






Let’s Update the Block Count Why Don’t We

Before we talk numbers, this: beginning in December 2017, I’ll be sending out The 70273 Project XXtra  – a newsletter that will come out once a month filled with bits and pieces about The 70273 Project that you won’t see here on the blog, To subscribe, click right here. And hey, thanks for the name, Fiona Egan, Suzanne McCarthy, and Nancy Carroll.

Now about that block count update. I hope you’re sitting down . . .

Lisa Franzman (US)
patsy monk (US)
Janet Cates (US)
Elisabeth Miller (Germany)
Deb Bear (US)
Diana Vandeyar (Australia)
Kathy Odell (US)
Sharon Henry (US)
M. V. Wendell (US)
Nan Ryan (US)
Madeline Hughes (US)
Rosary Lomonaco (US)
Carol Oglesby (US)
Margaret Creek (UK)
Lori-Lyn Dunn (US)
Sandra Walker (Canada)
Rachel Williams (US)
Eve Trester-wilson (US)
Anita Barsalou (US)
Allison Ramboth (US)
Lindsay Norlen (US)
Lucy Poloniecka (UK)
Eileen DiPietro (US)
Patricia McNeely (US)
Jayne Elton (UK)
Sally Lindsay & Children & Grandchildren (US)
Janet Eidem (US)
Jeanie Crosthwait (US)
Maggie McCain (US)
Norie Mohs (US)
Jocelyne Feuguet (France)
Cabral Patchwork France
Club De La MJC de Claix (France)
Edna Jamandre (US)
Martine Molet-Bastien (France)
Patricia Barthelemy (France)
Association Filament (France)
Patch Patcha Ol’Hossegar (France)
Antoinette Kuborn (Belgium)
Claudine Oger (Belgium)
Brigitte Martin (Belgium)
Carmen Gayo (Belgium)
Nadia Van Comp (Belgium)
Agnes Camplon (Belgium)
Agnes Thys (Belgium)
Michelle Bellin (Belgium)
Club Patchwork Atelier Recreation Plan D’Orgon (France)
Vero Patch (Belgium)
Nicole Malcotti (France)
Nancy Bass (US)
Robin C. Perry (US)
Abbie Metti (US)
Debbie Burchell (Canada)
Sandy Dadck (US)
Liz Dougherty (US)
Theresa Elerman (US)
Dayna Harris (US)
Sacred Heart High School (Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK)
Sharleen Jespersen (US)
Beth Schmidt (US)
Dale Lauzon (US)
Sarah Lauzon (US)

# of Global Block Day / Blockapalooza blocks received: 3286 (included in blocks noted above)

Quilts (Future blog posts on each individual quilt will give more info and photos.)
#80 (France)

#81 from Chantal Baquin (France)

#130 from Chantal Baquin (France)

#131 (France)

#199, a Middling by Nan Ryan (US)

#235, a Middling made by Susan Long (US)

#248, a Long Skinny made by Love Sullivan with a block by Rosary Lomonaco

#281 (France)

# 306 with blocks made by Sarah Brookes, Kay Mills, Kay Coolbear, Marion Mackay, Judy Belgrave, Irene Miller, Sarah Russell, Susan Wright, Sigi Scrase, Ann Pibal, Elizabeth Niven, Alison Jones, Anne Groufsky, Errolyn Thane and Quilting Students, Anna Hicks, Fleur Morris and Stitch Sisters, Diane Harries, Anonymous, and Philippa Doyle (New Zealand)

#307 with blocks made by Philippa Doyle and Marilyn Daly (New Zealand)

#308 with blocks made by Susan Brookes, Trish Souness, Beth French, Viv Heiman, Rose Keen, Kay Mills, Kay Coolbear, Maria Cross, Pamela Lindon, Angela Tanzania, Adrienne Howard, Jacquelyn Bailey, Fyvie Murray, Vivienne Rathbone, Vera Sullivan, Carolyn Diamond, Sheryl Anicich, Catherine Watson, Debra DeLorenzo, Jill Nickel, Janet Wingrove, Beverly Featherstone, Jane Campbell, Anonymous (New Zealand)

#309 with blocks made by Marilyn Daly, Grace Wardell, Jill Bowman, Alison Elliot, Jude Ferguson, Anonymous, Claire Hodgson, Karen Simcox, Helen Hindmarsh, Sue Stephen, Christine Singleton, Pat Watkins, Celia Connor, Judy Johnson, Riet van Koeverden, Jocelyn Thornton (New Zealand)

#310, a Middling made by Bev Haring (US)

#311, a Mini made by Lori-Lyn Dunn (US)

#312, a Mini made by Lori-Lyn Dunn (US)

#313, a Mini made by Lori-Lyn Dunn (US)

#314, a Mini made by Lori-Lyn Dunn (US)

#315, a Mini made by Susan Grancio (US)

#316, a Mini made by Susan Grancio (US)

#317, a Mini made by Susan Grancio (US)

#318, a Mini made by Susan Grancio (US)

#319, a Middling made by Francoise N. Guyen (France)

#320, a Middling made by Francoise N. Guyen (France)

#323 made by Nicole Malcotti (France)

#324 made by members of Patchwork Surson (France)

#325 made by Delegation De France Patchwork D’Ille et Vilaine (France)

#326 made by Association Patchwork Apical Laüpere (France)

#331 made by members of Patchwork D’Issy Les Moulineaux et Vanves (France)

#332 made by members of St. Cast Le Guildo Côtes-D’Amour (France)

#333 made by members of Association Monisle en Patch (France)

#338, a Middling made by Debra Steinmann (US)


# blocks checked in on November 13, 14, 15, and 16 (Week 92): 4076
# quilts: 337 (I sure do need Piecers and Quilters)

Block count as of the beginning of this post: 25,652
Block count as of the end of this post: 29,728 

My heart explodes with gratitude to all who are . . .
~ making and sending blocks, finished quilts, Middlings, and Minis
~ hosting block drives in their communities, churches, libraries, and schools.
~  offering to Piece and Quilt
~ sending financial donations
~ volunteered at the recent International Quilt Festival
~ telling me their stories
~ stepping up to take on major responsibilities (I’m thinking of you, Peggy Thomas and Tari Vickery)
~ writing about The 70273 Project in social media
~ interviewing me for their blog
~ sharing The 70273 Project with quilt guilds and friends and other groups
~ keeping the spirit of The 70273 Project alive and well by being kind.

Y’all are The Best. Please don’t stop spreading the word and commemorating because enveloped in the commemorating we celebrate and champion those with disabilities who live today and move us closer and closer to a world where we talk not of abilities but simply of people.


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Block Count Update!

Block #17311 by Christine Prades

I’ve had a productive week while feeding, chauffeuring, and otherwise tending to our daughter during her post-surgery complications. I’ll tell you about all those exciting things in various blog posts to come. Today, I’ll cut right to the chase and give you the block count info. This week I checked in blocks from:
Malek Suleiman (US)
Jennifer Suleiman (US)
Sylvie Keryhuel (FR)
Mireille Grot (FR)
Evelyne Ollivier (FR)
Isabelle Comte (FR)
Annie Hemmerlin (FR)
Catherine Guignol-Moraine (FR)
Agnes Rozenknop (FR)
Anne-Marie Andrau (FR)
Marianne Petition (FR)
Evelyne Lattore (FR)
Chantal Benoudiz (FR)
Annick Petit (FR)
Suzanne Mounters (FR)
Aline Bouchard (FR)
Bethany Sharpton (US)
Amy Castillo (US)
Jeffrey Allen-Kantrowitz (US)
Carlyn Clark (US)
Wendy Caton Reed (US)
Barbara Williamson (US)
Jeffrey Bovee (US)
Becky Ludden (US)
Joanne Sowa ((US)
Alisa Stedman (US)
Sophie Hudson (UK)
Pauline Jennings (UK)
Alida Palmisano (UK)
Avril Bond (England)
Sue Maudling (England)
Ros Masrin (UK)
Karen Bingham (UK)
Jean Higgins (England)
Ginny Crosthwait (US)
Janet Eidem (US)
Carolyn Katzoff (US)
Barbara Ellis (US)
Dian Dresdner (US)
Sam Bell (Scotland)
Jean Dargie (Scotland)
Pamela Cameron (Scotland)
Elsie Swales (Scotland)
Roger Clare (Scotland)
Patricia Menzies (Scotland)
Teresa Parnham (Scotland)
Jean Iso (UK)
Liz Crichton (Scotland)
Sally Bennett (Scotland)
Sylvia Clark (Scotland)

and a quilt from:
Quilt 264 Edna Dorris (US)
(Don’t panic if you sent quilts in. I have 3 to 5 boxes that I simply haven’t had time to open yet, and I’m sure there’ll be more waiting for me when I get back up on the mountain.

I assigned several more quilt numbers and have other quilts yet to be checked in. I was interviewed several times, and did A LOT of infrastructure work that we’ll talk about later. For now, let’s get an answer to what we all want to know: how many blocks do I have right now?

Are you ready?

As of right now, our official block count stands at :::::: 24,720! Maybe one of you mastheads can figure out what percentage that is, all I know is that’s a lot of blocks checked in since our last update 12 days ago. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page and look at how our graph tube is filling up! And I know there are thousands of blocks being stitched and quilts being made around the world even as I type, so please keep commemorating and sending them in. And always, always, always, Thank you.


Other places you might want to visit:
The Introduction Post
The English-speaking Facebook Group (Our Digital Campfire)
The French-speaking Facebook Group
The Facebook Page
To Subscribe and Have Blog Posts Delivered to You
Block Instructions
To Make and Register a Quilt
To Make Middling Quilts
To Make Long Skinnies Quilts
Pinterest Board


Highlights and Recap: August 14, 2017 to September 17, 2017

Here are highlights of the weeks that were:

Week 79, August 14-20, 2017
Two people mentioned corporate matching programs and began investigating. Do you know of a corporation that offers grants or have matching funds programs? Let me know because there are expenses . . . especially shipping.

Week 80, August 21-27, 2017
Uta Lenk, The 70273 Project Ambassador from Germany and her son, Jan came to spend a few days with us. There was basketball, fast food, Sliding Rock, boat rides, antique stores, and, of course, stitching blocks. We had so much fun and can’t wait for them to come back.

I shipped three big boxes of quilts to Houston for our Special Exhibit at the International Quilt Festival. They arrived on the same day as Harvey. Yeah, really. More about that in a blog post coming to you soon.

Daughter Alison had emergency surgery.

Week 81, August 28-September 3, 2017
A week filled with mother-as-nurse duties with 70273 duties and responsibilities and infrastructure projects in between. I delivered another suitcase filled with quilts to Laurel Alford who graciously agreed to sew labels and hanging sleeves on.

A magnificent weekend across The Pond at Hever Castle where blocks were made and people were commemorated.

I am honored to be invited to spend Saturday morning, 9/2 with the Dixie Wing Angel Squad, telling them about The 70273 Project. They’ve decided to make enough blocks to make their own quilt, something I consider a Very Good Idea.

Week 81, September 4-10, 2017
Michelle Freedman (@stitchwellandprosper on Instagram) hosted a Block Drive at Modern Domestic on 9/4. People made blocks and watched Quilt #219 being quilted on the long arm.

Quilt 219

Bethany Sharpton and Chris Petersen from WXII 12 News came and interviewed me about The 70273 Project. Bethany also treated me to a solo-exhibit-of-her-quilts-for-one.

Week 83: September 4-10, 2017
Hurricane (Tropical Storm by the time she reached us) irma came; the power went, remaining out from Monday night till Friday morning.

The 70273 Project received a financial donation from Frances Holliday Alford, who makes a monthly donation. Thank you, Frances! You have supported The 70273 Project in every way imaginable. it does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

Over and around all of these highlights, much work was going on – most of which I’ll tell you about in blog posts coming soon. Blocks were bundled, so let me know if you’d like to And quilts were registered and added to the official block count. Would you like to make your own quilt and register it with The 70273 Project? Or turn a bundle of blocks into a quilt? Perhaps you’d like to make a Middling for The 70273 Project? And remember that we still and always accept blocks, so get those needles threaded and go forth to stitch more commemorations.

And that’s not all: I still have many, many, many blocks and entire quilts waiting to be checked in and counted. This week, I spent my time checking in these complete, finished quilts (and I only mention the block makers because we’re counting the blocks. Full information will be included when I profile each quilt in its own blog post)

Quilt 14, a Middling by yours truly
Quilt 15, another Middling by moi
Quilt 58 (the extra blocks made by Margaret Williams to complete the top)
Quilt 59 (extra blocks created by Margaret Williams to complete the top)
Quilt 65 (blocks made by Sandy martin to complete the top)
Quilt 71 (blocks made by Brighter Skies, Elizabeth Budgeon, Savvy Christophides, Jane Coulter, Joyce duncan, Chrissie Fitzgerald, Margaret Grieves, Helen Grindley, Margaret Jackson, C. Knight, Shirley Gliver, V. Pearson, Linda Smalley, Ellen Smith, and Mary Turner)
Quilt 73 (blocks made by Mary Turner, Margaret Jackson, and others)
Quilt 105 (blocks made by Alexandrian Pattin to complete the top)
Quilt 111 (made by Cathrine Symchych)
Quilt 127 (from Nouvelle Aquitaine – blocks made by Nicole John, Magali Sallard, Francoise Sebilleau, Francoise Frontenaud, Francoise Lelionnais, Adrienne, maryLou Renault, and Annie Sellier)
Quilt 128 (from Nouvelle Aquitaine with blocks made by Nanette Andersen, C. Andersen, Town Andersen, Marie Alice Wilke, Nome Wilke, Raphael Wilke, Charlotte Wilke, Camille Wilke, Lunette Arrive, Micheline Monvoisin, Jacqueline Guichard, Taffathe Saldani, Francoise Lelionnais, Francoise Fresneau, Marie-Jeanne Pannier, and Nicole Brard)
Quilt 141 (blocks made by Makers from Belgium and members of Du Club de Leognan France)
Quilt 145 (a Middling by Cathy Busson)
Quilt 149 (blocks made by Eva Jackson)
Quilt 152 (a Middling made by Chantal Trouillot)
Quilt 153 (blocks by Christine Richter (Germany), Pia Magnusson (Sweden), Annette Lenk (Germany), and Hannah (Germany))
Quilt 156 (blocks by Anne Vignals and Anonymous Makers)
Quilt 159 (a Middling made by Danielle Birello)
Quilt 177 (a Middling made by Deirdre McConathy)
Quilt 178 (blocks made by Members of Club Aussillion – Danielle Albert, Genevieve Bacque, Sylvaine Benezech, Regine Cahuzac, Cecile Milhau, Michele Mouton, Suzanne Pons, Fina Rodriguez, Lillians Several, Yvette Trombetta, and Lesley Westlake)
Quilt 173 (blocks made by members of the Leisure Time Crafting and Brighter Skies Fundraising Group of Spennymoor, Durham, UK)
Quilt 179 (a Middling made by Cindy Cavallo)
Quilt 186 (a Middling made by Debra Steinmann)
Quilt 210, (a Middling made by Jane M. McCarthy)

Wanna’ know the current official block count? You don’t? Oh you jokesters, you.

As of yesterday, the current official block count is . . . . 24,166! (Scroll to the bottom of the page to see how our graph is filling up!) The Engineer tells me that we are slightly more than one-third of the way to our goal, so please, y’all, keep stitching and telling and sending.



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Allow me to introduce myself . . .

Hey, Sugar! I'm Jeanne Hewell-Chambers: writer ~ stitcher ~ storyteller ~ one-woman performer ~ creator & founder of The 70273 Project, and I'm mighty glad you're here. Make yourself at home, and if you have any questions, just holler.

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