+ Her Barefoot Heart

the welcome mat


it makes no sense, but here i am. at the new place. in the new digital digs.

we moved (now i’ve switched to physical shelter) earlier this year – didn’t mean to, we just stumbled onto this little piece of heaven and, well, it captured our hearts and we moved . . . something i really hope i never do again. i mean, really: where did all that stuff come from??? and i’m no packrat, but good gracious there was a lot to move.

getting everything from one place to the other and unpacking wasn’t a bit of fun, but nesting. oh, how i do love nesting. and maybe that’s why i wanted a new digital home in spite of the fact that moving wreaks unbelievable havoc and eats up an unbelievable amount of clock.

see, i have this keen craving to slow my life down to a saunter instead of race; to live every day as though i’m on vacation; to explore things that interest me without bothering to even try to explain or justify or apologize that they might be a waste of time or non-productive or illogical . . . and that is precisely what i’ll be doing here: auditioning things that interest me just because they interest me and pursuing them until my attention is captured by something else. what i really want/intend to do is take the leash and muzzle off and let my barefoot heart romp, traipsing through briars and across soft mosses; skipping through open fields and finding my way through the dark of forests. maybe it’s hormones, maybe it’s the whatever-year itch, maybe it’s just time.

and so i shall. though i will continue to honor my responsibilities, today is, in oh so many ways, my independence day.



  1. Cyndi

    I love your thoughts and should make them more of a standard in my life also, Your share the thoughts so graciously like I never could. I aldo adore the ocen and my toes in the sand, lurking on the beach, just because it is there and has been. Cherish each moment!
    You will have a shadow, I will follow!

    Smiles, cyndi

    • ever jeanne

      hey cyndi, so glad you dropped by. so glad you understand.

  2. Cyndi

    I love your thoughts and should make them more of a standard in my life also, Your share the thoughts so graciously like I never could. I aldo adore the ocen and my toes in the sand, lurking on the beach, just because it is there and has been. Cherish each moment!
    You will have a shadow, I will follow!

    Smiles, cyndi

    • ever jeanne

      hey cyndi, so glad you dropped by. so glad you understand.

  3. quiltdivajulie

    I totally understand the desire for a fresh beginning – a clean, fresh, new digital home… looking forward to sharing your journey!

    • ever jeanne

      hey julie, having recently undergone a move of your own (both digital and physical), you do know what i mean, don’t you? so glad to reconnect.

  4. quiltdivajulie

    I totally understand the desire for a fresh beginning – a clean, fresh, new digital home… looking forward to sharing your journey!

    • ever jeanne

      hey julie, having recently undergone a move of your own (both digital and physical), you do know what i mean, don’t you? so glad to reconnect.

  5. annalisa

    This is a delightful begining, I hope to follow (perhaps emulate) you on this journey!

    • jeanne

      well, there’s my e-friend anna lisa. i’m glad you’ll join me in this journey-without-a-freaking-map. hang on tight, cause i don’t have a clue where we’re going!

  6. annalisa

    This is a delightful begining, I hope to follow (perhaps emulate) you on this journey!

    • jeanne

      well, there’s my e-friend anna lisa. i’m glad you’ll join me in this journey-without-a-freaking-map. hang on tight, cause i don’t have a clue where we’re going!

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