a box filled with bundles of fabric, letters, and notes

In this neck of the woods, superstition holds that how you spend New Year’s Day is how you’ll spend the year. If that holds true, I’ll be opening mail most of this year! Over the course of New Year’s Eve and New year’s Day, I spent more than 20 hours checking in blocks and quilts for The 70273 Project. Yes, I got a little behind because The Engineer and I have been home only four non-consecutive weeks this year, and checking in blocks and quilts is one of the few things I have to physically be here to do. Thank y’all for your patience, and for continuing to make and send.

I checked in and registered 4391 commemorations from these good people . . .


197, a bundle Long  Skinny quilt Pieced and Quilted  by Laura Brainard (FL, US)
227, a Middling made by Beth Schmidt (FL, US)
228, a Middling made by Beth Schmidt (FL, US)
275, a block quilt made by Kate Elliott (FL, US)
415, a bundle quilt Pieced and Quilted by Elaine Smith (TX, US)
416, a bundle quilt Pieced and Quilted by Elaine Smith (TX, US)
417, a bundle quilt Pieced and Quilted by Elaine Smith (TX, US)
481, a Middling made by Elaine Smith (TX, US)
525, a group quilt Pieced and Quilted by Laurie Dunn and her Grandchildren
Jerrod, Ariana, Gracie, Steven, Colton, William, and Jillian and her Daughter-in-Law Marlesa. (PA, US)
554, a Middling made by Pam Patterson (TN, US)
578, a bundle quilt top Pieced by Edna Jamandre (MD, US)
582, a bundle quilt Pieced and Quilted by Kathleen Kashmir
596, a bundle quilt Pieced and Quilted by Elaine Smith (TX, US)
598, a bundle quilt Pieced and Quilted by Elaine Smith (TX, US)
604, a bundle quilt Pieced and Quilted by Karen Swiech
605, a bundle quilt Pieced by Karen Swiech
606, a bundle quilt top Pieced by Edna Jamandre (MD, US)
607, a bundle quilt top Pieced by Edna jamandre (MD, US)
627, a block quilt made by Elaine Smith (TX, US)
628, a group quilt made by members of the Town and Country Quilt Guild:
Peggy DeLaVergne (Piecer); Elaine Smith (Finisher); Mary Phail Boyd;
Kathie Cherry; Carol Srajer (TX, US)
652, a group quilt made by members of the Sandstone Piecemakers (MI, US)
655, a Middling made by Sarah J. Lauzon and a friend (FL, US)
656, another Middling made by Sarah J. Lauzon (FL, US)
657, a Mini made by Shawn Taylor
658, a Middling made by Shawn Taylor
659, a Middling made by Aradria Csercsevits (FL, US)
660, a Mini made by Debra Jalbert (FL, US)
661, a Long Skinny quilt made by Beth Schmidt (FL, US)
662, a Middling made by Beth Schmidt (FL, US)
663, a Middling made by Pam Patterson (TN, US)
664, a Middling made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
665, a Middling made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
666, a Middling made by Jennifer Lario- Moya (AUSTRALIA)
667, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
668, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
669, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
670, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
671, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
672, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
673, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
674, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
675, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
676, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
677, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
678, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
679, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
680, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
681, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
682, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
683, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
684, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
685, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
686, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
687, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
688, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
689, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
690, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
691, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
692, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
693, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)
694, a Mini made by Jennifer Lario-Moya (AUSTRALIA)


Amy Chambers (GA, US)
Angie Cullett (LA, US)
Ann Burnett (MN, US)
Betsey Chambers (CO, US)
Breanna Crassno (MO, US)
Deb Cashatt (CA, US)
Drew Chambers (US)
Edna Jamandre (MD, US)
Elaine Pfeiffer (MO, US)
Glenda Scott (MO, US)
Janet Olsen (UT, US)
Jeanne Hewell-Chambers (NC and GA, US)
Joy Avery (FL, US)
Joyce Graff (MA, US)
Joyce Mullis (NC, US)
Katia Johnstone (ME, US)
Laurie Dunn (PA, US)
Linda Williard (MO, US)
Mary Belcourt (ND, US)
Muriel Richardson (ND, US)
Pam Patterson (TN, US)
Penny B. Holland (NC, US)
Rachel Williams (LA, US)
Rosalyn R. Buck (ND, US)
Rosemary Sevigny (ND, US)
Shirley R. Boyd (MO, US)
Susanne R. Silbernagel (ND, US)
Shelley Folkedahl (ND, US)
Silvia Conte (ITALY)
the Walsh Quilters (ND, US)
Wendy Forsyth (MO, US)

Added together, our current block count is . . . are you sitting down . . .


A few notes:
~ The graph we used since the beginning of the project went kaput, so I’ve installed a new one. To view it, scroll down to the bottom of the page. It’s on the right side.
~ A bundle quilt is one made from an assortment of blocks from around the world. Blocks arrive, are checked in, then bundled with other blocks from around the world, and are sent to volunteers who Piece and/or Quilt them. For a long time, I did all this by myself, but now, I’m tickled and grateful to tell you that thanks to a group of Helper Angels, I now receive, register, then pass along to the Helper Angels. Be watching for interviews with them soon. And if you are a Helper Angel, thank you. If you live in the vicinity of Fayette County, Georgia and would be willing to pitch in every now and then, let me know.
~ The monthly 70273 Project XXtra comes out around the 14th of every month, so subscribe if you haven’t already cause there’s precious little duplication of information.
~ I am behind in my Thank You notes, so until you get yours, please know that I am incredibly grateful to be on this beautiful rock with each of you.