+ Her Barefoot Heart


i wonder
if you’re having as much #reverb10 fun as i am. (if not, let me know and i’ll toss an extra handful of magic sparkle dust your way.)
why anybody wants to play football.
what little orphan annie did when she grew up.

i wonder
how much longer till we all understand that living into our greatness does not diminish the greatness of others.
why so many people are depressed.
if vinegar does even half the things my mother claims it does.

i wonder what i’m really supposed to be doing with my life.

i wonder
why i waited so long to dress myself in VivaciousBoldness.
if i’ll ever sleep for 8 consecutive hours again.
what the woman who lives in the pink and blue house with a yard full of words spelled out in rocks would tell me if i knocked on her door with a hot pound cake and an afternoon to spend.

of course i wonder, wonder, wonder, wonder who,
who wrote the book of love.

and at least once a day,
i wonder what i did to wind up with a husband and son who bring me such marvelous treasures.


Today’s post is my response to the #reverb10 prompt for today: Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year? (Author: Jeffrey Davis)


  1. thara

    eeek! I love this post. Such a joy to read. Thank you!

    • whollyjeanne

      thank you for stopping by and for taking the time to leave me a note. makes me smile.

  2. emma

    Ah, my friend, this is like a breath of fresh air. I found myself clapping in glee. LOVE IT!!

    • whollyjeanne

      thank you, sugar. gonna’ try to wing my way over to your nest real soon. thanks for being such an invaluable reverb10 crew member.

    • whollyjeanne

      thank you, sugar. gonna’ try to wing my way over to your nest real soon. thanks for being such an invaluable reverb10 crew member.

  3. Wee C

    LOVED today’s post! Wonder is truly a wonderful thing! So glad you dropped by our blog so that I could find you on yours, which now means I can follow you into the future. Delightful 🙂

    • whollyjeanne

      takes delightful to know delightful. i enjoyed your post today, too. interesting perspective on today’s prompt. made me think.

    • whollyjeanne

      takes delightful to know delightful. i enjoyed your post today, too. interesting perspective on today’s prompt. made me think.

  4. Beth Hoffman

    You are speaking my language so beautifully! I try to live in a perpetual state of wonder each day; it makes me happy and keeps my childlike spirit alive!

    Terrific post!

    • whollyjeanne

      i can tell you’re fluent in wonder. that was obvious the first time karen “introduced” us. xo

    • whollyjeanne

      i can tell you’re fluent in wonder. that was obvious the first time karen “introduced” us. xo

  5. Tia Sparkles Singh

    I’d like to know how the cupcake story pans out too 🙂 Your musings filled me with wonderment & smiles!

    • whollyjeanne

      oh my tia. sugar, you sparkle like noneother. thank you.

    • whollyjeanne

      oh my tia. sugar, you sparkle like noneother. thank you.

  6. Creatively Sensitive

    You’ve got me wondering now… about Orphan Annie… 🙂

    • whollyjeanne

      i’ve actually considered writing a musical about that very thing. let’s put it this way: it’s on The List;)

    • whollyjeanne

      i’ve actually considered writing a musical about that very thing. let’s put it this way: it’s on The List;)

  7. Mrsmediocrity

    big smiles and a couple of chuckles. i’m pretty sure that what you are supposed to be doing with your life has been answered though. right here.

    • whollyjeanne

      love you, sugar.

    • whollyjeanne

      love you, sugar.

    • whollyjeanne


      (this fairy godmother stuff is fun – i love it – but am having trouble getting around to all my every-day favorites and getting around to visit the newbies. helping people join twitter, signing people up for reverb10 cause they can’t do it themselves, soothing furrowed brows, cheering scared ones on. need more hours. or fairy dust.)

      again i say: love.

      and add that i’m so glad you’re part of reverb10.

  8. Mark

    I wonder about many things, like you. Very thoughtful post.

  9. syene

    The next time I find myself even slightly slipping from joy I shall open and read this priceless post. (and, yes, vinegar does everything your mom claims it will do.) <3 <3 <3 THANK you for your wonder-full-ness!

    • whollyjeanne

      well, aren’t you sweet. (that’s southern for thank you.)

  10. Linda

    “i wonder what i’m really supposed to be doing with my life.” You tooooo? 🙂

    • whollyjeanne

      oh, only about forty-elevan times a day;) i take it you speak that language, too?

  11. Amanda Hirsch

    I love this playful, fresh take on today’s prompt! Energetic and zestful and honest and fun! So glad, again, to have connected with you…

    • whollyjeanne

      thank you – and i to you. never did tell you how much we have in common, did i? besides writing, i’m an actor and managing director of a theatre company my daughter founded in 2005. i especially love improv and comedy. yum yum.

  12. Deborah Tjong A Hung

    Love your take on yesterday’s word, kind of gives me an idea what to do with that day now 🙂

    • whollyjeanne

      fantastic! look forward to reading it.

  13. Paula

    I totally would love to hear the story of the woman in the blue and pink house. Last month I finally asked the weirdly dressed woman from my neighborhood about the scarves she wears. They are masterpieces of intarsia knitting and as a knitter I was interested. She is really nice and down to earth and loved chatting about knitting.

    • whollyjeanne

      i love your story, paula! i find that most people are quite nice and appreciate knowing that they’ve been seen, that somebody is interested. don’t you?

      • Paula

        I think you are right. Especially if you go about it in a nice way without condescension.

  14. Tracey

    adorable. i just love this.

    • whollyjeanne

      thank you, tracey. just visited your place – always love being there. it calms and re-centers me.

  15. Danielle

    I love your take on Reverb10! I’ve also wondered what little orphan Annie did when she grew up 😉

  16. Sally G.

    Tell me, tell me, tell me
    Oh, who wrote the Book Of Love
    I’ve got to know the answer
    Was it someone from above?

    Funny you’d mention a song by a group called The Monotones – good golly, could that BE any further from describing the wonder that you are?

    Ah well, I figure I can live without knowing who WROTE the book of love – since I have the great good fortune of knowing who ANIMATES it, each and every day …

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