+ Her Barefoot Heart

weaving blooms, 2

i see darkness.
what was
and what
never was.

i see bruises.
life tends to give you those.

i see the softness of
melted butter
and early morning sunshine.

and maybe
a teensy bit
of fear.


let’s review: julie daley posted a photo on facebook that set me whirring.


  1. Karen Sharp

    I notice the movement in the quilting stitches, flowing diagonally with and against the parallel weave. The flow intrigues me, draws me…

    • whollyjeanne

      oh, sugar, it is so like you to notice that detail. xoxo

  2. ☼ Illuminary☼

    Whirring is good, blooming and doing too…

    • whollyjeanne

      hey, sugar. yeah, love whirring. sounds more cardio-oriented than it feels, tho. . .

  3. Lindsey

    This made me gasp out loud with its beauty.  Thank you, thank you. xo

    • whollyjeanne

      oh, sugar, i thank you. seriously. deeply. hugely.

  4. Alana

    Oh. Tears in my eyes. Thank you.

  5. Anonymous

    This split me open. I love it. Suffering and hope, all in one. So true. 

    • whollyjeanne

      and in such a small package. the entire cloth is about 6 inches tall and 3 inches wide. thank you. thank you.

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