+ Her Barefoot Heart

Block Drive at Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church

Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church 101 N Peachtree Pkwy, Peachtre City, GA, United States

Come make blocks for The 70273 Project at the Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church in Peachtree City, GA. Supplies will be provided, and here's a list in case you can bring any of these items: ~ white fabric ~ red fabric, ribbons, rick-rack, buttons, thread ~ scissors (please mark with your name) ~ needles ~ […]

Block Drive at Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church

Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church 101 N Peachtree Pkwy, Peachtre City, GA, United States

Come make blocks for The 70273 Project at the Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church in Peachtree City, GA. Supplies will be provided, and here's a list in case you can bring any of these items: ~ white fabric ~ red fabric, ribbons, rick-rack, buttons, thread ~ scissors (please mark with your name) ~ needles ~ […]

Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church

Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church 101 N Peachtree Pkwy, Peachtre City, GA, United States

Holocaust Remembrance Service is at Christ our Shepherd Lutheran Church April 15 at 1:30 followed by a reception. The service will remember the victims and survivors and reflect on the Holocaust with insightful readings, spiritual music, lighting of candles, meaningful presentations, and quilts #211, 77, 31, and 225 from The 70273 Project on display.
