in thumbing through an old book, i find a note on the end page describing an image, and here i go, stitching it into existence.
that was last night.
tonight i thumb through an old journal and find this – how cool is that.
Once you turn the light around,
everything in the world is turned around.
The light rays are concentrated upward into the eyes;
this is the great key of the human body.
You should reflect on this.
If you do not sit quietly each day,
this light flows and whirls,
stopping who knows where.
If you can sit quietly for a while,
all time-ten thousand ages,
a thousand lifetimes—is penetrated from this.
All phenomena revert to stillness.
Truly inconceivable is this sublime truth.
—from The Secret of the Golden Flower: The Classic Chinese Book of Life, translated by Thomas Cleary, HarperSanFrancisco, 1991, p.19
Love! This makes me want to go to yoga RIGHT NOW. 🙂
sugar, i probably would, too, if i did yoga more than 15 minutes a day every 14 months or so. there was just something so soothing about that poem. stillness beckoned – didn’t just beckon, reading that poem, stillness seemed possible. and to think that less than 24 hours before, i’d stitched the sun with wavy rays. that was cool, too.