No Academy Award was ever more of a surprise or more appreciated than the various honors and awards i’ve received from my friends in the ethers over the past few weeks . . .
Tracy Brown and Gordon Simmons allowed me to sponsor the Daily Gratitude Journal over at Happiness Inside where there are multiple ways to discover, well, happiness.
My darlin’ Jewels honored me with the Beautiful Blogger award on The Awesome Women Hub on Facebook.
Susan, Abigail, and Noel dropped a Stylish Blogger Award on me, and with that award comes a request to tell seven things about yourself . . .
1. I am named after my uncle (my daddy’s brother) who was killed at age 18. My mother and daddy met in third grade in a most unfortunate eraser-to-the-back incident while doing long division at the blackboard. It may not have been love at first sight, but they dated each other exclusively throughout high school, then enjoyed over 50 years of marriage . . . except for that one weekend in high school when a little spat found Daddy taking their classmate, Jean, out on a date. When Uncle Gene was killed, Mother saw a chance to solidify the affection of her mother-in-law, but oh the dilemma when her firstborn turned out to be female. G-e-n-e, short for Eugene, is a male, so that wouldn’t do. And she didn’t want to go through the rest of her life being reminded of That One Awful Weekend, so Mother tinkered around with various spellings until she decided on J-e-a-n-n-e.
2. I met my sinuses while flying the wind tunnel in Denver. It was fun, though – the wind tunnel not the sinuses.
3. As a child, I loved potato chip sandwiches.
4. I still don’t drink bathroom water.
5. I don’t wear a watch – haven’t for years.
6. I don’t like strawberries . . .
7. Or tomatoes.
“I need 5 more quirky things about me. I’m struggling here. Can you think of anything?” I asked my husband.
In less than 5 seconds, Hubby rattled off all sorts of things to me (almost before the question mark was out of my mouth). “That’s enough,” I told him. “I have my 7.”
“Are you sure?” he asked. “Cause I was just getting warmed up.”
While I am loathe to thank my husband, I am not at all hesitant to say Thank you again to these lovely, talented folk who have seen fit to bestow a little spotlight on me, though I deliver it red-faced with embarrassment for my tardiness.
Oh I loved potato chip sandwiches too. Billy Meyers (next door) showed me how to make them, only his were with bologna and mustard. I still put them in peanut butter sandwiches if they are around, but I don’t keep them in the house. They are on the bad food list. As a kid, I didn’t have a bad food list. Not, at least, until the doctor said I was a bit chubby and had to forgo dessert. That’s when the family would sit and have ice cream while I had some kind of canned fruit. yep, I bet that was much healthier – NOT –
love your quirkiness Jeanne – Oh and I don’t drink bathroom water either and never never never from a fountain at an elementary school (and not just cuz of the germs…it’s always just so warm because the pipes bake in the sun and the plumbing is shared with the bathrooms – that’s too close for me!
Well, of course you know it’s because you’re so wonderful. Did you pick out your designer gown yet?
I just don’t know how to say this, Jeanne, but um, we’re the blessed-lucky-blown away -in awe ones… You see, Mrs. Mediocrity brought to our table a gift. She told us about you. She told us that you were a Fairy Godmother. She sang your praises in the Twitterverse (oh, don’t be humble, stars shine, you know). And then, I saw a video of you on your blog, and said to myself, wow, she’s real too. She’s really, really real. And I wished at that moment you lived next door.
This medium is strange, Jeanne, because anyone can slap up a blog. But it takes.. something, I don’t know what to call it even. It’s an “itness,” a magical something, a widening of awareness and space… and, you have done it, Jeanne. You have brought a voice so desired, so beautiful… to witness it is gift.
In this past year, I have read the most powerful words – not held between hands cradling a book sanctioned by the publisher of choice – but here, in this online world, offered up freely and humbly, by women with voices wiser than a bestseller list. You, Ms. Jeanne, are among them.
I thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
I used to make “sandwiches” from chocolate chip cookies and potato chips. A fourth-grade comfort food (much needed because that was the year I began to think I was bad at math, and lunch came right after math). This post made me smile.
i cannot make myself drink bathroom water. just not on.
YAY! And please, no embarrassment whatsoever! Glad you shared your 7 things.