
Life being what it is and all, we left town on day 8 of The 70273 Project to tend to family issues and stuff, and got back in town almost two weeks later, just before company arrived for a long weekend. It was all good and fun and necessary travel, it just means that I couldn’t devote as much time to promoting The 70273 Project as I would’ve liked. But never fear, cause y’all stepped right up and did it your own selves. Thank you for that. I’ll be spending time on Monday catching up with emails and FB message and comments, so thanks for your patience with my tardy responses, and  thanks for bearing with me and understanding that there’s a life going out through, around, over, and under The 70273 Project.  Here are the highlights of last week:

~ 72 blocks received (note: This is how many blocks I hold in my hand, not how many blocks have been . . . are being . . . made.)

~ 41 countries have made contact.

~ Appeared in a guest blog post – thank you for having me, Lori East! And, as if all that’s not enough, she made The 70273 Project the cover photo on her Facebook page.

Beth Thrift shared The 70273 Project and my name with a magazine (Thank you, Beth!), and they want to interview me at the end of the month for an article that will appear in their May issue. More as it unfolds.

I spent a lot of time tinkering under the hood . . .

~ Added a block counter graphic to the blog sidebar.

~ People continue to subscribe to the blog, have you?

~ I created a Facebook page for The 70273 Project. Please “like” it and invite your Facebook friends to do the same.

~ Posted a directory for The 70273 Project in the sidebar to make it easier for people to find the most  requested pages.

~ Created a database for Blocks and Their Makers and am figuring out an efficient cataloguing system.

Looking forward . . .

~ I’ll be posting articles about the blocks and their makers – you’re just gonna’ be thrilled with these folks – their blocks and their stories..

~ I’d love to speak to your group – maybe take what we need to make some blocks – so let me know and I’ll see if I can’t make it happen.

~ Keep those blocks coming, please . . . and remember to download, print, complete, and attach The Provenance Form and email me a photo or 3 and your bio or story about why you’re involved. Why do I ask for photos and bios/stories to be emailed? Because it’s SO much easier and more efficient to copy and paste than for me to have to type everything out and take all the photos.

Well, I’ve just been notified that The Engineer’s stomach is growling, so you know what that means. Till next time, thank y’all for being a part of this crazy idea of mine and helping to commemorate these 70,273 people.
