book cover with various colored barns on a blue background

Julie Sefton’s book

Julie Sefton and I met and became friends through one of my favorite blogs written by one of my favorite people: Jude Hill. (Jude has been very supportive of The 70273 Project since its inception. Thank you, Jude.) As sometimes happens, our families took us in different directions, and then through the magic of Margaret Andrews, Julie and I reconnected. Julie is not only a remarkable woman and quilter, she has a son with a disability and is coordinating The 70273 Project Special Exhibit for the upcoming Davies Manor 22nd Annual Quilt and Fiber Arts Show.

Besides talking about her personal quilting preferences and journey (I coined the phrase “bioquiltography” a decade or so ago. Once had a blog by that name, too.), Julie tells us more about The Davies Manor Quilt Show coming up this weekend and The 70273 Project Special Exhibit that will be there. If you live in the vicinity of Memphis or more specifically Bartlett, Tennessee and can go lend a hand at The 70273 Project exhibit, telling folks about the project, putting info in their hands, helping them make blocks and make sure they complete a Provenance Form, that would be fantastic! Let me know and I’ll pass your info along to Julie who will join me in being oh so grateful.

Here are the particulars:
Who: Davies Manor’s Association 22nd Annual Quilt and Fiber Arts Show
What: An annual quilt show that this year includes a Special Exhibit of The 70273 Project quilts
When: Friday, 11/2/2018; Saturday, 11/3/2018; and Sunday, 11/4/2018 from 10 am to 4 pm
Where: Located just off exit 20 of I-40 with entrances at 9336 Davies Plantation Road and 3570 Daviesshire Drive, Bartlett, TN
How: For more information, visit Davies Manor Plantation Facebook page and the Davies Manor web site 
How much: $5.00 for one day or $8.00 for all 3 days

A note before we begin: we experienced technical difficulties with Julie’s interview . . . we simply could not convince the microphone on her computer to play nicely. We asked, we cajoled, we pleaded and nothing worked. So eventually I just asked Julie to sit as close to the microphone as she could and talk as loudly as possible because we’re The 70273 Project Tribe, which means that we find the beauty in the imperfect, keep going forward no matter what, and know that the flip side is always joy. So turn your volume up as far as it will go and huddle up with your computer cause I think you’ll find what Julie has to say as interesting as I do.

Audio Player

Thank you, Julie, for being such a valuable member of The 70273 Project. Thank you, Margaret Andrews, for not only bringing us back together, but for finishing so many quilts that will be on display at Davies Manor. And thank you Nancy who’s in charge of the Davies Manor Quilt Show for taking such good care of The 70273 Project.

Here’s where you can find more of Julie. Be sure you give yourself plenty of time to read and look!
her current blog
her previous blog
her books
one blog post Julie wrote about ‘the 70273 Project
another blog post Julie wrote about The 70273 Project
Julie’s Build a Barn book she talks about in the interview can be found on Amazon and at BN.com and at the AQS Online Bookstore in paper edition or ebook. She’ll even autograph them for you if you’d like.

Julie . . .
~ teaches classes at her local quilt shop, Fabric for the Flock in Barlett, TN
~ has a Lecture/Trunk show for he Picking up the Pieces Guild in Memphis, TN on February 26, 2019 (no website)
~ will do a Lecture/Trunk Show for The Scrap Club hosted by Kevin the Quilter in O’Fallon, IL on February 28, 2019 with a workshop the following day
~ will teach a week-long class at the John C. Campbell Folk School in September 2019. Registration to open soon.

Would you be willing to let me interview you for The 70273 Project podcast? Send me a note via Facebook or email. or Instagram. I’m posting them as blog posts right now while I get an inventory and can handle it like an official podcast, posting the interviews in all the usual podcast lineups. Soon, y’all, soon.

And one more thing: If you’re anywhere near the Florida Atlantic University campus in Boca Raton, Florida, come to the library on Tuesday, 10/30/18  to say Hey and make a block. We’ll be there all day, from 8 am to 5 pm as part of Disabilities Awareness Month. Thank you, Michell Shaw, Director of Student Accessibility Services!


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