+ Her Barefoot Heart




  1. Mark

    I wouldn’t either….

  2. Bsain

    Yes! Perfect! Yes!

  3. Geekin' Hard

    Dontcha love it when somebody says “don’t worry”, “calm down”, etc. Oh, really? I shouldn’t worry? Well shit, if you say so. Calm down? OMG, what a brilliant idea! I say we all commit, here and now, that the next person to tell us to “calm down” takes a crushing left hook to the solar plexus.

  4. Noel

    Nice! I hate being told to calm down, especially when I’m right in the middle of a good cry.

  5. ***C***

    Yes! Amen and amen.

  6. Diana Antholis

    Or “RELAX.”

  7. Anonymous

    Apparently February is already working wonders. Love.

  8. Mrsmediocrity

    Ha! And that is why you rule. And why I love you.

  9. writemuch

    i had a night like that last night. BTW: I tagged you for a Stylish Blogger award today. You might already have a gazillion of those, but you are among my daily favorites.

  10. Carynmirriamgoldberg

    I love this! It is such a polite (is that speaking Southern?) way to say Fuck you very much. Thanks — it made my day.

  11. Julie Daley

    oh, this is perfect, jeanne. perfect.

  12. littleyawps

    I simply love this.

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