+ Her Barefoot Heart

Playing in the Meadow on the Other Side of the Rainbow Bridge


My boy, Kipp, rescued him from a Denver humane society.
It was between the border collie and a Corgi – he couldn’t decide.
Ultimately, Kipp chose well.


Otto was a slightly neurotic dog
afraid of the most, um, unusual things.


He was a mischievous dog,
though you usually only knew
he’d been mischievous
when he had this certain look about him.
Oh, he knew you were smart enough to figure it out eventually,
but he was always hopeful that once – just once –
he’d be wrong about you.

If you couldn’t find Otto,
you could bet your bottom dollar
that something resembling food
(cooked, raw, packaged, unpackaged – no matter)
had been left within, oh, 4′ from the edge of the kitchen counter.


Otto was a dog secure enough in his own manhood
to be prissy on occasion . . .
without apology.


We’re still not quite sure which one
Marnie fell in love with first:
Kipp or Otto,
but no matter.
They were a package deal
and she won both their hearts.


And though they were as nervous
as any first-time parents in the history of the galaxy ever were,
Otto proved to be a good Big Brother
to Calder Ray,
watching over him when others
went to sleep on the job.


Though they’ll surely adopt another furry baby
sometime down the road
when their hearts have had time to heal,
one thing is for sure:
the next Chambers canine will have awfully big paws to fill.


R.I.P. Otto.
You were the best Son Dog,
the best Big Brother Dog,
the best Granddog,
the best Great Granddog,
the best Nephew Dog,
the Best Friend

1 Comment

  1. Lori East

    My deepest condolences to Kipp and Marnie. It is so hard to lose a beloved pet-who-isnt-a pet. Calder Ray may not miss Otto much now, or understand the hole in his mama and daddy’s hearts, but I am sure that he’ll someday hear fine stories of the Dog Who Loved Him Well.

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