Parents and Teachers,

Letter to Parents and Teachers of Older Children pdf

Click the above link to download and print yourself a copy if you’d like.
Thank you for coming!

  1. A note that might enrich your visit: if possible, let your children have paper and pencils as they visit the exhibit. Encourage them to jot down curiosities that bubble up, questions their brains have, feelings they experienced words and phrases from this guide and from the Artist’s Statements they find intriguing. 
  2. Speaking of words . . . you know your children and what words and stories they can handle before turning into paranoid insomniacs, so we’re offering these stories – one for each room in the Imagine a World: Nancy’s Larks + Be Kind exhibit – to you to share as you tour the exhibit. Feel free to read and deliver them verbatim or adjust the wording as needed, putting them in words your children and students will understand. Being a storyteller and lover of words, I’ve deliberately used some “big” words to give you an opportunity to explain them and increase vocabulary.
  3. You’ll need to make the decision on whether you want your children to watch Minni’s video or not.
  4. You’ll notice I introduce The 70273 Project story in Minni’s Room using past tense. That’s because no more blocks are needed. We do, however, need assistance in other ways. In February 2024 I handed the Leadership Baton to my friend and an amazing woman Peggy Thomas who would love to hear from you if you’re interested in hearing more about the project and how you can get involved. You can reach her at
  5. As you will see, the overarching story of kindness is told and retold in several ways through this exhibit. The main story and the stories employed to tell the main story are important to us. We feel like we’re the voices of Minni and Nancy, two amazing women you’ll soon meet. Through this exhibit, we carry their important stories into the world, and we are deeply grateful for the Board of Directors, Amy Loch (Director), the volunteers and supporters who keep the Southeastern’s Quilt and Textile Museum open, the various organizations who support the museum, and everybody else affiliated with the museum in any way for giving us this opportunity.
  6. Thank you, Parents and Teachers, for being here and sharing the content of this exhibit in whatever words that will have a lingering positive impact with these young people as they grow and mature into kind human beings. Thank you for making art, to storytelling, and kindness a regular part of their lives. May their kindness and creativity enkindle kindness and creativity in others until we live in a world fluent in kindness and creativity.

Jeanne and Maxine