+ Her Barefoot Heart

how they got in there, i’ll never know

so there i was,
clearing and cleaning a rental property,
getting it all spiffied up and ready
to welcome
and shelter
its new person,
when i opened the grill to find this:



you just never know
where you’re gonna’ find
new life,
[insert your own metaphor]
so stay awake
be ready,
and behave yourself*.

*and just so you know: that last one need not involve a long-term commitment.


  1. SHerdegen

    As with love, life is often more amazing than we give it credit for. Mysteries of life and mysteries of the heart are a single path; the fork in the road is delight and frustration.

  2. Square-Peg Karen

    Today I absolutely NEEDED (notice caps?) to be reminded of new life! Thank you dear one!!

  3. whollyjeanne


  4. Kate_TW

    This made me gasp. Beautiful.

  5. Kate_TW


  6. Kristen @ Motherese

    Ahh, Jeanne, looking out at a sky full of blowing snow, I need this vision of spring and possibility today. Thank you.

  7. whollyjeanne

    well, kristen, twas nice to do for you what you regularly do for me. xo

  8. TheWordWire

    Thanks for making me smile Petticoat Pontenate. Good eye. Great reminder.

  9. Julie

    what a sweet surprise.

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