+ Her Barefoot Heart



But the beginning of things,
of a world especially,
is necessarily vague, tangled, chaotic,
and exceedingly disturbing.
~ Kate Chopin


  1. whollyjeanne

    well, then sugar, i’d sure pay attention. i have this new project i’m starting, fleshing out an idea that arrived on 5/23. since i’ve begun working on it quietly behind the scenes, i see quotes and stories and blog posts, i see photos and paintings and pottery pieces that seem to say “you’re on the right track. keep going.”

    at least that’s how i receive them. how i choose to receive them.

    i could, as i said to my son who’s helping me with the heavy lifting, choose to receive them from a place of scarcity and think, instead, “oh my god. somebody else is already doing this. who do i think i am to do something like this?” and other first cousin thoughts/feelings.

    instead, i choose to receive them as my own personal cheerleaders and navigational system, urging me on.

    and this quote really rocked me last night. kinda’ summed it up . . . and more.


  2. Bsain

    That just broke me open a little bit.

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