+ Her Barefoot Heart

creating less and less of me: day 3

“day 237”. “day 464”. “day 729”.

those are things i long to write at the beginning of my daily journal entry – and i want those numbers to represent consecutive days. you see, i’m trying to create less of me. writing a minimum of 1000 words daily so that eventually i’ll spill more and waste fewer words. walking daily to burn calories and create less of the physical me.

i will walk the same route day, adding an extra hill or bend every week, knowing that with each repetition, i will see the same things differently.

i will write in my journal – the one adored with the three graces – each day, knowing that with each entry, i will say more in less words.

that’s just the way it is . . . or so i’m told. now i’m committed to finding out for myself.

today is day 3, and though i promise not to bore you with every single walk, i did want to share some of the amazing things i saw on walk #3:


my path. see that little butterscotch-colored dot a little less than halfway up? that’s my walking mate, phoebe. a welsh corgi who has a funny way of herding.


made me think of my friend julie daley who’s winding up a trip to ireland. a budding dolmen, perhaps?


a late-blooming gardenia.

and this exquisite companion that came along to color my way:




  1. Lollygagger

    That butterfly is absolutely gorgeous! Your walks sound (and look!) really nice.

  2. Kira

    Your posts are always so beautiful. I like the way that you have a poetic, thoughtful style without it feeling overproduced. It’s very genuine and fun to read. I’m sorry I don’t always make the time to comment…if you can fit in blogging, plus words, plus walks, I can stop in and say hello without too much trouble!


  3. whollyjeanne

    hello back, kira. what i want to know is (a) how is your writing coming along and (2) when are you going to scratch out time in your stuffed calendar for another writing date?

  4. whollyjeanne

    isn’t s/he, though? (i have no idea how to determine the gender of a butterfly, and honestly, no interest in learning.) i just keep going back to that picture and staring at it.

  5. Alana

    Taking a minute to catch up. I miss you. Hoping the making less of you is making joy in your world. Love…

  6. Angela

    You know how “they” say that a pound of body fat = 3500 calories? Maybe a pound of fat = 3500 words, and we hold onto fat when we don’t let go of our words. Just a thought ;).

  7. Cristina

    I would love to go on a stroll with you one day. Yup, sure would.

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