my response to each #reverb10 daily prompt is a tip, a suggestion you might find useful in juicing every single succulent drop out of this month-long experience. some of the tips are things i learned over the past year; some are answers to questions reverbers have asked me privately; some are things i just pull out of thin air.
at the end of each day (or roughly thereabouts), the tip will be folded into the comprehensive list, a.k.a. the marrow. and hey, if a tip sparks another idea, i’d sure appreciate it if you’d drop me a note in the comments section so i can sprinkle it out to others. and do some sprinkling of your own: point others to the marrow in case there’s something here they can use.
now let’s get on with it cause my wand’s a wastin’ . . .
today’s prompt (from author Susannah Conway, creator of Unravelling, the e-course that i’m gonna’ sign up for one day before it sells out): Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out?
today’s tip: when you’re stumped, (decide to) ask for help. the assistance is a gift you receive, and the opportunity to help is a gift you give. funny how that happens.
and hey, consider saying “thank you” publicly – in a tweet or a mention (complete with a link to them) in your blog post or both.
today’s tip is enkindled by these 2 tweets from this past week: “RT @traceyclark: good idea! RT @pixie658: Having a hard time on today’s #reverb10 prompt? Ask close friends what they find unique about u”
from thesdcowgirl: “can i cheat on #reverb10 and ask someone what it is that makes me beautifully different? lol.”
I still love seeing how everyone interprets each post differently, I think that’s what makes Reverb10 so great
i do, too and i do, too!
I still love seeing how everyone interprets each post differently, I think that’s what makes Reverb10 so great
Hi Wholly Jeanne,
Found you via Reverb 10 somehow – not sure how! Nice to meet you.
I’m with Deborah – It is fun to see how everyone interprets the prompts. I only wish there were a Reverb10 blog roll.
well, however you found your way here, i’m glad you did and welcome! there is a blog roll, actually:
just yesterday i tweeted that i was having a hard time getting into the party prompt, being a hermit and thing i knew the author of the prompt replied, and after a short conversation, i had my idea. you still rock.
and a most excellent idea it was. as always.
Oh yes. Asking-for-help and I have become very good friends this year. Thank you for being you, ms. fairy godmother.
and i bow, saying the same thing to you: thank you for being you, sugar.
Very good tip – as usual! : )