+ Her Barefoot Heart

a special delivery, homemade birthday card with wings and kisses for my friend Angela

Sugar, today (and everyday, for that matter) (but especially today), I wish you . . .






and solitude.

I wish you . . .


asylum and refuge


cerulean, zephyrs, and lullabies


talismans, bibelots, aubades, and amulets of beauty.

I wish you . . .


tapestries of rhapsodies, epiphanies, and tranquility


silver linings, caresses, and champagne


and all the colorful, textured felicity you can stand.

5 97 1 erased

I wish you sojourns
that as as meaningful as they are memorable
and I send the wishes all
wrapped up in a gossamer bow called love.


  1. Merry ME

    Have you thought about working for Hallmark? This may be the best birthday card ever.

    • whollyjeanne

      Sometimes it’s a good thing to be too tired to make complete sentences;)

  2. angelakelsey

    I am almost speechless with gratitude for the loveliness of this card and the generosity of your friendship. Happy birthday it was. Thank you and xo

    • whollyjeanne

      I love you, too. Love you for who you are, what you contribute to this world, for your willingness to be vulnerable and strong at the same time. Love you for loving me, and I love you for giving me the opportunity to take some special words out of the curio cabinet, dust them off, and use them. Love you big, oh yes I surely do.

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