in the space of two scant hours, my morning turns undeniably magical.
one, i read:
The summit of the soul is like a mountain top which has been hidden in the clouds, but from which the clouds now melt away, leaving the peak free in the clear upper air through which it receives the full light of the sun.
~ Thomas Merton
two, i see:
and this:
3, i round the curve to :
i love
when a day
comes together
and reaches
a solid
before 10.
Ah, the mountains are quite lovely, aren’t they? There’s a reason I’m falling in love with Northwest Georgia, after all.
So glad the morning brought you such beauty in both words and visual delights.
yes, sugar, my soul needs mountains and water. i just couldn’t believe how this morning came together. it was pure magic.
Beautiful my dear friend.
thank you, sugar.
just standing here applauding…
i can feel your glee and i thank you, sugar.
p.s. do the appearance of spaces indicate a new keyboard????
I love when you stumble across the exactly right blog post at the exact moment you need to read it. Thank you for this.
(I applaud also.)
Also, I would now like to be magically transported to the mountains.
i would like that, too – especially if we could see that you were transported to my mountain. wouldn’t that be a kick?
Ahh. Thank you for the words and pictures. More magic: seconds before this post appeared in my inbox, I took a book of Merton off my shelf. xo
WOW! Love that. Love you.