+ Her Barefoot Heart

89: In Our Own Language 17

After beginning in June 2012, Nancy continues to draw.
and I continue to stitch,
though some of her more recent drawings are too line intensive.
But not to worry
cause I have ideas.
We brought home 470 more drawings
after an all too short visit with her last week.

Nancy makes this shape in many of her drawings:


I call it a vessel.


Sometimes she arranges them
in a specific way on the page.


Sometimes they are part of the overall design.


Sometimes she fills them.


And sometimes she spills them.

Most of the time, Nancy’s drawings are non-representational,
an expression of her emotional climate,
an expression of how she’s feeling
and her response to what’s happening around her.
But sometimes
people see shapes they recognize.
I always enjoy hearing what people see
or how Nancy’s drawings make them feel
or what they think about when they gaze upon her drawings.


Usually I like her drawings for the color choices she makes


or the intensity


or the movement.

But two of her most recent drawings made me wonder


if she was drawing a palm tree


perhaps the one that’s at the front door
of the ARC where she spends her days.


And a pumpkin
an artsy pumpkin.


And, well, this one tickles me
because I see an entire story.
Or at least a vignette.
Do you see it, too?

1 Comment

  1. Sharon Tomlinson

    There is a definite progression in Nancy’s art as there is with any artist. I always see things in her drawings. For example, I see the pumpkin but I also see that someone is holding it in their lap. And the palm tree with purple clouds. The one with movement is so “Van Gogh” inspired. Perhaps the beginning of “The Starry Night of Nancy’s world”. I always enjoy Nancy’s art.

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