Writes The 70273 Project Ambassador, Lucy Horner . . .

We will be filling the Nave of Rochester Cathedral with XX from Friday 19th January to Monday 12th of March.  Many thanks to Rochester Cathedral’s management committee for extending the time period to give more people chance to see it, and for extending the scope of the display area so that we can commemorate even more people.

On Wednesday 24th January, we will be gathering to remember, celebrate, thank, and raise a glass … more details to follow!

 Thank you to Grosvenor Shows for hosting us at the Autumn Quilt Show at Detling, and thank you to all of you who came, and sat and stitched our Middlings and commemorated more lives.
Edina and The A Team Facilitate a Block Drive for The 70273 Project in the UK

It’s so good to see Edina, back on her pins, and firing on all cylinders again with her A Team of helpers after breaking her foot a few months back.  This Project runs on Love, and everyone who helps with it makes sacrifices … whether it is their time, aching fingers … (or brains) … family time … ‘me’ time … or dipping into their coffers, but Edina really has given so much to The 70273 Project.  There’s no way that our South East contribution would be where it is without her. Thank you Edina! XX

a collage of people in the UK making blocks for The 70273 Project
More quilts and blocks being made in the U.K.
an assortment of people making blocks in the U.K.

Thanks to Francis Iles Galleries in Rochester, we will be swelling the coffers of The 70273 Project as they raise funds with their Art on a Postcard Sale.  Their Gallery Artists have donated original works that will be sold on the night of Thursday 30th of November from 6pm for £25 each, and proceeds will be split between The 70273 Project and The Cinnamon Trust.

The donation of people’s time in making blocks and commemorations is invaluable, but we also have a number of wonderful people to thank who have given us donations towards materials.  They are

Medway Council who have given us a £250 grant, Rob Flood – whose company ‘Feet on the Ground’ generously provided £200 for materials for the altar banners, Bev Bunn who donated money from her lemon-sherbert-loving Dad Vic’s funeral donations, Christine Tedman and Roy Clarke THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH … the cost of materials for the South East 70273 Project is running towards £1,000 so all donations are very much appreciated.

students at Waldegrave School in the U.K. make blocks for The 70273 Project
Nicole Davis, Head of Design & Technology, Fashion & Textiles at the Waldegrave School in the U.K., looks at the quilts and blocks made for The 70273 Project by students
Students at the Waldegrave School in the United Kingdom make blocks for The 70273 Project
Wearing the blue sweaters of their school uniform, students of the Walgrave School in the United Kingdom use needle and thread to stitch red fabric in the shape of two red X's to a base of white fabric
More Waldegrave students make blocks for The 70273 Project

And talking of heroes … we met Nicole Davies at The Great British Sewing Bee Live a few months back and she pledged to get her students at Waldegrave School, (where she is Head of Design & Technology, Fashion & Textiles) to make some blocks.   Being an absolute super star, she’s been as good as her word, and has made 5 quilts!!  Thank you to Nicole, and the pupils, staff and parents who have helped in this massive achievement. XX

Teenage students of the Waldegrave School in the United Kingdom smile as they use red fabric to make pairs of red X's that are then stitched on a white base to become blocks for The 70273 Project
A female teenager wearing a blue sweater sits beside a female teenage student stitching pairs of red X's onto white bases to commemorate some of the 70273 disabled people who were murdered by Nazis
A female student of the Waldegrave School stitches two red X's on a white base to make a block for The 70273 Project
A female wearing glasses and a black sweater sews two red X's onto a white base to make a block for The 70273 Project
A huge bouquet of gratitude to Lucy for these photos and all the time and energy she’s poured into The 70273 Project, to Edina, Wendy, Nicole, Veronica, Waldegrave students, Frances Iles Gallery, Medway Council, Rob Flood, Bev Bunn, Christine Tedman, Roy Clarke, Siobhan, Sharon, and so many others who I will hopefully get to meet and thank in person when I’m there in January.
I’ve been wearing my Idea Hat which  means there will be many new things happening in The 70273 Project next year. To make sure you don’t miss anything that’s happening around the world:
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