+ Her Barefoot Heart


Sometimes onward means going back
or stepping into The Great Unknown . . .


Recent photos of Nancy taken by Mona Diethrick
indicate that she’s moved from drawing to something else.


Bringing order?


Maybe a type of mosaics?


One thing’s for sure: her work as an artist is evolving.
And I’m just tickled
and intrigued
and thrilled.


Meanwhile back on the ranch,


I pick up where I left off on
In Our Own Language 3,


restitching the 50 drawings
I removed to give me a nice, generous border.
Is it just me, or are the days getting shorter?
And I don’t mean on account of the season or time change.
I distinctly remember getting more done
in the days of years gone by.

~~~~~~~ Backstory ~~~~~~~

Since June 2012:
She, Nancy, my developmentally disabled sister-in-law draws.
I, Jeanne, the woman who flat-out loves her, stitch her drawings.

Click here to see more In Our Own Language 1
and here for In Our Own Language 2
and you guessed it – here for In Our Own Language 3.


This post is part of Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday.


  1. wordsmithtom

    Were those her crayons? She was having SUCH fun working with them! Reminds me of how I feel daubing more color onto my panel parts each morning. Sheer joy!

    • whollyjeanne

      Tom, yes, they’re her crayons, and I chuckled at your asking that because she can be a little clepto at times, taking what she wants without regard for anything other than she wants or needs it. I am wondering where we go from here. Do I continue sending her art boxes filled with a hodgepodge of materials and turn her loose? It’s hard to miss the joy on her face, isn’t it? It is, as you said, the sheer joy of creation.

  2. judy martin

    she is so lucky to have you and your love. xx

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