
My first entry in an international show shipped out from Hilton Head Island yesterday, and I’m plumb tickled – say it with me: squee – to be a part of the International Quilt Festival of Ireland 2013. It’s a brand new piece, an official quilt with 3 layers and batting that’s headed to Ireland: 37 pieces from Nancy’s set 1 drawings, embroidered and shaped into a teardrop defined by the scarf (just couldn’t get the hankies to work this time) my sister-in-law Carole gave me recently. (Hey look, Carole, you’re going to Ireland with Nancy and me!) I call it Connect the Dots #1, and I love seeing Nancy’s non-representational marks, drawn and stitched by hand sitting atop the black and white, straight lines sewn by machine.

My learning curve has been steep, given that I just began stitching in June 2012, and I count myself incredibly fortunate to have knowledgeable, generous, talented, patient souls like Anne Copeland, Lisa Call, Susan Lenz, and Judy Martin to guide, suggest, answer, teach, and shepherd me on occasion.

Next up, I learn to take good photos.

I promise.

