First there is Block #200
made by Michelle Tade Banton
who has also offered to piece and/or quilt
when the time comes
(and at the rate blocks are flowing in,
I don’t think it will be all that long
before I’m knocking on her door with a bundle of blocks.)
Then there is Block #273
a 3.5″ x 6.5″ (9 cm x 16.5 cm) beauty
made by MJ Kinman,
(our little energizer bunny,
has also volunteered to help
piece and quilt and catalogue and
apply for grants and a host of other things
that will need to be done as we grow along).
Now why do we celebrate Block #273?
Because, as Sarah Meredith so beautifully says
in The 70273 Project Facebook Group:
“273 is a special number. It represents the specifics of the people we mourn and celebrate here. It represents the refusal to round out the numbers for expediency, or to leave any One out. Beautiful #273, may you rest in peace.”
Block #300 is a 6.5 x 9.5″ (9 cm x 16.5 cm) beauty
made by Lee Durbin
who sends along a note
promising more blocks to come.
And we round out the week with Block #400
made by Denniele Bohannon.
Denniele also got her 6 year old granddaughter
involved, so stay tuned for more about that.
Thank you
Michelle, MJ, Lee, Denniele
and all the rest of you who are
making blocks
and offering to do more
to see this project through
to completion.
All these milestones –
and I was only home for two days.
I can scarce imagine what is waiting for me
when I get home and open the mail next week.
Not only has she become one of my favorite people in the world,
Kitty Sorgen has also become the official coxswain
for The 70273 Project,
and she’s set another goal for us:
1000 blocks by June 1.
And there you have it –
something to work towards.
So, as Kitty says,
Ready . . . set . . . SEW!
(or paint or stamp or draw).
Help us meet (or beat) Kitty’s goal
by continuing to make blocks, of course,
and get your friends and family involved, too . . .
If you’ve subscribed to the blog posts,
forward them to others when they land in your inbox
and encourage them to become involved.
Share photos and posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest.
Tell folks in your clubs and at family reunions and
at church about The 70273 Project.
The more people we get involved,
the quicker we can stand together
in the presence of these quilts,
commemorating the 70273 people we mourn
and meeting each other in person.
That’s gonna’ be One Memorable Day, y’all.
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