+ Her Barefoot Heart

brevity: the theme du jour


if my house was on fire and i could only take one word with me for 2010, i’d go with sprout and here’s why.

for 2011, my word is VivaciousBoldness, and what say we just sit back and watch that one play out?


i’m over at happiness inside today, spilling words about what we keep.


the view from here 2 weeks ago:

the view from here this morning:


Today’s #reverb10 Prompt: One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?

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  1. Lollygagger

    Watch out 2011! Love it! 🙂

  2. memydogsmylife

    I love both of your words!

  3. Mrsmediocrity

    a while back someone i know told me that when she was in school, the nuns had called her a bold brazen article. i loved that and your word, vivacious boldness made me think of it.
    here’s to 2011, new friends, and a couple few reverberations

  4. Square-Peg Karen

    ha! just caught this — VivaciousBoldness is so YOU!! Can’t wait to see how 2011 goes. Love you!

  5. Stephanie (@dancingwaves)

    Amazing. I’m not sure how I didn’t get here yesterday, but thank you for this. (And I love VivaciousBoldness … such beautiful, round, alert words!)


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